Why is my Internet so slow?

What could be the reason behind my Internet connection? This is a question that many people find interesting, as a slow Internet connection can be quite frustrating. There are factors that can contribute to Internet connections, such as the router/modem of your Internet Service Provider (ISP), the quality of the device’s WiFi signal and the DNS server. It is possible that any combination of these factors is causing the problem.

Here are some things you can investigate to identify what might be slowing down your Internet connection. By addressing the root problems, you may be able to recover your high-speed connection.

Perform a speed test

It provides data that can be compared with the cost of your service. You can compare the results with the expected speed of your Internet service to determine if they align with what you are paying for.

To obtain speed test results, it is recommended to avoid intensive activities such as downloading or streaming Netflix while performing the test.

Please note that you may see lower results than expected. For example, if you are subscribed to a 50 Mbps plan, you may see speeds slightly above or below that mark. However, if there are discrepancies, it is advisable to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for assistance.

Open different websites on multiple devices

To eliminate the possibility of a problem with your computer or the website you can try to access it from another device. If you find that the problem is limited to one website, it is unlikely that your computer is to blame.

If you notice that only your computer has an Internet connection while other devices work fine, then the problem is with your computer. It needs to be resolved. However, if the slowness persists, on all platforms it is probably due to factors on the device itself.

Reboot your router and modem

If you are having problems with your Internet connection, it may not necessarily be due to a problem. Sometimes the problem can be solved by restarting your modem or router.

Today, many people use a combination router and modem. There are also those who do not. To reboot your devices, turn off both the router and modem for approximately 10 to 20 seconds before reconnecting them. If that was indeed the cause of the problem, your router or modem should work properly again after the reboot.

Improving WiFi signals

One possible reason for Internet performance could be WiFi signals. When the WiFi connection is faulty it can affect all the devices in your home giving the impression of an Internet problem. There are factors that can contribute to WiFi connections, such as improper router placement, obstructions that block interference from other devices’ WiFi signals, and similar problems.

Improper placement of the router includes keeping it in a location where its signal is blocked, such as inside a cabinet. To ensure signal coverage throughout your home or apartment, it is recommended to place the WiFi router in a central position and slightly elevated off the ground.

Also, if you live in an area such as an apartment complex with multiple wireless networks around you, switching your router to the 5 GHz frequency band could be helpful. Since most routers default to the 2.4 GHz range, there is a possibility that signal interference will result in a weaker Internet connection. Therefore, using the 5 GHz range can be advantageous in crowded areas.

Cleaning your device

If you have an Internet connection, a device is most likely infected with malware or some other type of virus that is consuming network resources in the background. To solve this problem, you should consider installing an antivirus program that you trust and run a scan to identify any threats. Also, be sure to check for programs running in the background that may be connected to the Internet without your knowledge, such as Windows updates.

What is Internet bandwidth?

Network terminology can sometimes be confusing. Although we come across these terms frequently and use them in our conversations, we often do not think about their real meanings. One such term is “Internet bandwidth,” which is commonly used but not widely understood unless you work in the networking industry. Curious about what exactly the bandwidth refers to?

In terms of “Internet bandwidth” refers to the capacity or capability of your network. It represents the amount of data that can be transferred over a network in a period of time, usually one second. For example, if your Internet connection has a bandwidth of 10 megabits per second, it means that it can support a data transfer rate of 10 megabits per second.

To better understand this concept, let us make an analogy between the bandwidth of a network and the diameter of a water pipe. Just as increasing the diameter of a pipe allows more water to flow through it simultaneously, similarly, having bandwidth allows greater data transmission capacity. Rest assured that your Internet connection is not affected at this time.

The speed of your Internet connection directly affects your ability to transmit and receive amounts of data simultaneously.

What is the difference between Internet bandwidth and Internet speed?

The terms “Internet speed” and “Internet bandwidth” are not the same. It should not be used interchangeably. While they may sometimes be used in some way, they actually refer to concepts.

When people mention “Internet speed”, they are referring to the speed at which data can be transferred over a network. To illustrate this, imagine comparing it to the diameter of a pipe, in the water pipe analogy we discussed earlier. It is important to note that there is a difference between how water flows through a pipe and how fast data moves through a network.

It is worth noting that the difference between a connection with a capacity of 1 Mbps and one with a capacity of 5 Mbps is more related to capacity than speed. As a result, connections with higher bandwidth have the potential to transfer data than those with lower bandwidth.

Your download and upload speeds may vary if the available bandwidth is not evenly distributed among users or devices.

The speed at which you can upload and the amount of bandwidth you have to upload will generally be slower compared to your download speeds. This is because most people use the Internet primarily to receive and consume content and not to upload content.

The time it takes to connect to the Internet depends on factors, not Internet capacity. When analyzing Internet speed, it is essential to consider criteria such as server overload, server location, DNS and more.

To understand the distinction between Internet bandwidth and speed, we can explain it this way; Bandwidth refers to the data that can be sent within a period of time, while speed refers to the speed at which data can be transferred.

What is an IP address?

When connecting devices within a network or across the vastness of the Internet, each device must have an identifier called an IP address. Similar to how your neighborhood has its address, your network hardware also has its IP address.

Each electronic device to which it is connected. A public or private network is assigned a number called an Internet Protocol (IP) address. This IP address acts as a “name” for your device, allowing it to be recognized between devices. Since every device that connects to the Internet requires its IP address, countless numbers of these addresses are assigned to different devices.

Public IP address

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a number assigned to each device on a network, whether it is a private network. When you connect to the Internet your device is assigned an IP address that identifies it.

Each user has their own public IP address, which allows them to communicate with other devices around the world. Private IP addresses are specific to devices within the network. They are not shared, while public IP addresses can be shared. For example, if both your laptop and your phone are connected to the WiFi network, they will have the public IP address.

As an example, consider the public IP address

Private IP address

Your device or devices are connected to devices around the world via the Internet, as well as to other devices within your local network. To distinguish between devices, within the network each device is assigned a unique private IP address.

Outside your network you cannot access IP addresses. These addresses can be accessed from any network. They are not specifically assigned to any service.

The private Internet Protocol address is

IP addresses can be static or dynamic depending on whether they are used by a private network.

Static IP addresses

Static IP addresses are those that you configure manually and will not change. When a device is assigned an IP address, it remains the same. It is not reassigned or reused for any other device. Then, once associated with a device, be it a private IP address, it remains permanently linked to that device.

Dynamic IP address

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) handles IP addresses that are assigned dynamically rather than manually. IP addresses for PCs and other network devices are often issued by a DHCP server on your router. Both public and private IP addresses are subject to change over time.

IP address versions

Both IPv4 and IPv6 are used worldwide. They are not mutually exclusive. Despite the existence of IPv6, which is the version of IP addresses, IPv4 is still in use and has not gained widespread adoption.

IP version 4 (IPv4)

The IPv4 protocol, which is the version of IP addresses still widely used to identify computers and other devices connected to the Internet, is still widely in use. When people talk about an “IP address”, they usually mean your IPv4 address or public IP address.

IPv4 has the capacity to host 4 billion IP addresses. An IPv4 address is composed of 32 bits represented by numbers separated by dots.

For example, a sample IPv4 address would be

IP version 6 (IPv6)

IPv6, the IP address version is designed to replace IPv4 when it exhausts its supply of IP addresses. This exhaustion is expected to occur in the next few years due to the limited capacity of IPv4, which can only accommodate a little more than 4 billion IP addresses. In contrast, IPv6 has a capacity of more than one trillion IP addresses, which is more than enough to support all devices.

In terms of structure, IPv6 addresses consist of 128 bits. They are composed of characters separated by a colon. The creation of IPv6 serves as a solution to overcome the depletion of IPv4 supply as the number of Internet users and connected devices continues to grow.

Consider an example IPv6 address; 2001;0db8;85a3;0000;0000;8a2e;0370;7334.

What is a WiFi extender and how does it work?

Connecting to the Internet via WiFi is the most convenient way. How easy is it to configure the WiFi extender? WiFi can also be accessed from almost anywhere as long as the signals can reach there. However, a disadvantage of using WiFi is that data transfer speeds may decrease in areas with signal strength or where the router is not physically located.

In signal strength situations, your Internet connection may become very slow or even non-existent despite having a working connection, bandwidth and speed.

There are limitations to extending the range of your WiFi network by moving your router or reducing interference from devices. If you want to extend the coverage area of your WiFi network you will need a device.

To improve the coverage of your WiFi network, you can use a device called a WiFi extender. This handy tool has gained popularity over the years as more people recognize its practicality. By incorporating WiFi extenders you can greatly improve the performance of your WiFi network by effectively doubling its range and coverage. As a result, it will eliminate any area of your home or office. It even reaches areas that were previously out of reach of WiFi signals.

How do WiFi extenders work?

As mentioned above, WiFi extenders work by collecting the WiFi signal from your network, amplifying it and then transmitting the signals as if they were originating from a network. This effectively extends the coverage range of your WiFi.

WiFi range extenders, also known as plug and play devices, use two antennas to capture and boost the signal emitted by your existing WiFi network. They then transmit this enhanced signal to devices in their vicinity. When we encounter areas with poor coverage or dead zones where signals normally do not reach, WiFi extenders are a solution.

It is essential to understand that WiFi amplifiers and WiFi extenders are not identical. While both devices improve the strength and coverage of WiFi signals, they do so using methods. A WiFi amplifier is a hardware component that extends the coverage area of your network by connecting to the Ethernet port of your router and transmitting signals through an amplified antenna. This allows devices to connect to your network.

In contrast, WiFi extenders work by retransmitting the signals already transmitted by your existing WiFi network.

In terms of convenience, WiFi extenders have an advantage over WiFi amplifiers because they do not require the installation of any additional cables or hardware. Extenders can simply. Transmits existing Wi Fi signals.

What is 5G network technology?

The fifth generation, commonly referred to as 5G, represents the pinnacle of networks. It is the technology that is rapidly gaining worldwide popularity. The main objective of 5G technology is to provide levels of speed, availability, reliability and compatibility of Internet devices.

With 5G network technology, data can be transferred at speeds of up to 20 Gbps and with an extremely low latency of only 1 millisecond. This means that the upcoming 5G network will offer faster speeds and lower latency compared to fixed networks.

As different regions of the world gradually implement the 5G network over the next few years, there will be a greater reliance on networks for their purposes.

How does 5G work?

Cell sites serve as components of networks that enable the transmission of data via radio waves. 5G networks use a combination of small cells, strategically placed in locations such as rooftops and streetlight poles. This allows signals to be transmitted over distances that distinguish it from the 4G standard that relies on huge cell towers to transmit data over such long ranges. The use of cells is necessary due to the nature of the 5G frequency wave that operates within the millimeter band (30 to 300 GHz).

Normally, lower frequencies can travel distances. At a slower rate, while higher frequencies can cover more ground but at a faster rate. Consequently, within the scope of 5G technology using the MM wave spectrum there are limitations in terms of range, as these signals are easily interrupted by natural or man-made obstacles.

In iterations of mobile network technology, lower frequencies were used to overcome the challenges associated with distance and interference.

With the advent of 5G, things have changed. This new technology uses a frequency band to achieve faster speeds, but the disadvantage is that it only works effectively over shorter distances.

Benefits of the 5G network

However, the advantages of the 5G network outweigh any drawbacks it may have, such as its coverage and vulnerability to interference.

  • Wide bandwidth
  • low latency of 1 ms
  • Faster speeds
  • Enormous network capacity
  • Increased accessibility
  • Accurate location tracking
  • Instant communication
  • Real-time analysis capabilities
  • Fixed wireless services
  • Network segmentation

The deployment of the 5G network is currently underway in numerous countries and regions around the world. Both mobile service providers and smartphone manufacturers are eagerly awaiting the implementation of this advanced network technology. It is expected to gain worldwide acceptance over the course of the decade.

How to keep your privacy safe on the Internet?

In the era the concept of privacy has. What was once considered personal and confidential may now be vulnerable to hacking. It is essential that we take steps to safeguard our information and ensure that our privacy remains intact. Unfortunately, there is a growing risk of security breaches affecting user data, including ourselves.

Given the importance of safeguarding privacy, it is essential to exercise caution and implement precautions. When surfing the Internet, prioritizing privacy protection becomes vital. Here are some recommendations that can help you achieve this goal.

Limit the information you share on Social Networks:

A common mistake people often make on the Internet is sharing personal information. Identity thieves find it easier to steal your data if you provide a number of details on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

There are ways that intruders can compromise online privacy, such as sharing information about your high school, birthplace or year of birth on social networking platforms.

If you feel the need to post something in the media, it is advisable to keep it to a minimum and restrict access to your existing friends.

To create a password, consider using a combination of character types, such as numbers, letters (both upper and lower case), symbols and capital letters. Remember never to share your password with anyone or allow others to use it.

Browse in incognito or private mode

If you do not want your web browser to remember your search terms, cookies, cache or any temporary files, you can use private or incognito browsing mode. Different browsers may have names for this function. Incognito mode and private mode are the most commonly used terms.

However, it is important to note that even if you switch to browsing mode, your Internet Service Provider (ISP), your search engine and the websites you visit will still be able to access your browser history and other information.

Therefore, even if you use a network (VPN) in addition to these private browsing modes, you will not completely hide your online activities from prying eyes. In terms, a log is essentially a record of everything that happens on your device.

Use a virtual private network (VPN)

A web browser’s private browsing mode, also known as incognito, has limitations when it comes to protecting your web traffic from third-party monitoring. However, if you use a network (VPN), you can enjoy the added benefit of preventing others from tracking your online activities. A VPN creates the illusion of an Internet connection even when you are using one.

This is achieved by hiding your IP address, which ensures that others cannot link your online actions to your real-world identity. When you connect to the Internet through a VPN, search engines and your Internet Service Provider (ISP) websites cannot determine where you are located. Rest assured that using the Internet with this level of protection will keep your privacy intact.

Avoid opening unknown links/attachments.

There are people on the Internet who may try to invade someone’s privacy by including links or attachments in the e-mails they send. If you click on a link that could be dangerous or lead to phishing, there is a risk that you could be tricked into sharing information such as your name, address or credit card number.

Occasionally, scammers send phishing emails that look genuine. For this reason, it is important never to download files or click on links in emails you were not expecting to receive. It is absolutely crucial to be careful before clicking on anything while surfing the Internet at any given time.

Use a quality antivirus program

In addition to protecting your devices against viruses and other malicious software, a reliable antivirus program can also help prevent hackers from taking control of your computer and gaining access to your data.

By installing an antivirus program, you can ensure the protection of your device against software such as viruses and spyware, as well as protect it against possible hacking attempts. The market offers a variety of options for you to choose from.

How to fix the error “The default gateway is not available”?

Many Windows users often encounter problems related to the networking of their drives or other aspects of the operating system. Unfortunately, they don’t always have a playing field to work with. A common problem faced by Windows users is receiving the error message “The default gateway is not available” when trying to connect to a network.

If you have this Internet connectivity problem, it could be due to several factors. Outdated network drivers, incorrect router settings, wrong IP addresses or even McAfee Security Solutions can contribute to this problem.

Since you are unable to access the Internet due to this problem, it is essential that you find a solution quickly and avoid complications. If you are having difficulty troubleshooting the “The default gateway is not” error, consider trying one of the following solutions;

Removal of McAfee Security Programs

If you suspect that any of the McAfee security programs are causing this problem, try uninstalling all McAfee security software from your computer. To do this, open the Control Panel on your computer. Remove all McAfee products listed there. Once you have successfully uninstalled the McAfee software, the problem should no longer persist.

Updating network adapter drivers

Your network is adjusted according to the order in which you express your problem. If you encounter the error message “The default gateway does not appear on your screen, it could indicate that the driver associated with your network device is out of date. To potentially solve this problem, consider installing the driver for your network device. However, please note that there is no guarantee that this will solve the problem you are experiencing.

To update the driver for your network adapter you have two options; visit the manufacturer’s website and download the version or use the Device Manager.

These are the steps you can follow;

To access simply right click on “My Computer”. Choose the “Manage” option in the menu. Alternatively, you can type “Device Manager” in the Run box. Press Enter.

2. You can expand the network adapter by clicking on it.

3. To update the driver software, for the network adapter, click Network adapter driver. Select Update driver software.

4. Choose the option to allow Windows to search for a driver on your behalf. Windows will automatically search the Internet for and install driver updates.

Uninstalling Network Adapter Drivers

To solve this problem, you can try uninstalling your network card drivers. Don’t worry about not having the necessary network adapter drivers, as you can easily reinstall them after removing them. Windows will take care of reinstalling them. Here are the steps to uninstall your network adapter drivers;

You can access it by clicking on “My Computer”. Selecting “Manage” from the options that appear or typing “Device Manager” in the Run box and pressing Enter.

  • To expand the LAN card simply touch it.
  • Then locate the Uninstall button under the network adapter driver. Click on that…

2. After removing the driver, be sure to restart the computer.

3. Once Windows restarts, it will restart automatically. Install the drivers.

Wireless frequency band change

This problem can also arise due to a discrepancy in frequencies between your WiFi router and your network adapter. If you recently switched to the 5 GHz band or installed a WiFi router that operates on that frequency, this error may occur. To solve the problem, try switching to the 2.4 GHz band. You can access the router’s management console for help.

Change wireless mode

Some users have mentioned that changing the WiFi mode from 802.11g/b to 802.11g could solve this problem. To change the WiFi connection mode follow these instructions;

You can access Network Connections by left-clicking on the Windows icon or by pressing the Windows key and the X key on your keyboard.

2. To adjust the configuration of your adapter, simply right click on it. Choose Properties.

Go to the configuration menu. Choose the “Configure” option.

4. Find the tab “. Click on it to access the wireless settings.

5. In the drop-down menu, select the option that says 802.11g. Remember to save the changes after selecting the desired option.

Using the netshell restart command

Users have also reported success in resolving this problem by performing a TCP/IP reset using the netshell reset command. They tried this solution. I found it useful. Here are the steps you can follow in this situation;

Open the Start menu. Type “cmd” in the search bar.

2. Right-click on the Command Prompt icon. Choose “Run as administrator”.

3. Now enter the following command at the location;

4. Use the command “netsh int reset ip” to completely delete your IP address.

It would be great if you could restart your computer afterwards so that you could verify if the problem was resolved.

How to fix Wi-Fi does not have a valid IP configuration?

If you encounter the error message “Wi Fi does not have an IP configuration” while trying to resolve your Internet connection, it indicates that there is a problem with the IP address assigned to your device. This problem could potentially affect your ability to connect to the Internet. Although Windows detects the problem it does not provide a solution. It is recommended not to depend on Windows. Instead, find your own alternative solution.

Causes of Wi-Fi not having a valid IP configuration error

There are reasons why this problem may occur, including:

  • Updates that have been applied to your Windows operating system.
  • Connectivity problems with the network you are currently connected to.
  • settings in your network configuration.
  • Hardware malfunction that could be affecting your system.
  • Problems with the network provided by your Internet service provider.

Let me know if any of these suggestions were helpful in solving the problem.

How to fix Wi-Fi does not have a valid IP configuration?

As noted above, this error could have occurred for reasons that imply that there are workarounds available. You have the opportunity to experiment with alternatives and determine which one effectively aligns with your needs.

Solution 1: Release and renew your IP address

Perhaps this is all that needs to be done to solve the problem. It should not be too difficult to put into practice. To solve this issue, could you follow these steps?

Start by opening the Run box. You can do this by pressing the Windows key + R on your keyboard. Once the Run box opens, type “cmd” and press Enter. This will start the command prompt with administrative privileges.

2. Then open a command prompt, as an administrator. Enter the command; “Ipconfig Shutdown”. Press Enter to execute the command.

3. After executing the command “ipconfig /renew”, press Enter.

4. Finally, restart your computer to see if the problem is resolved.

Solution 2: Reset TCP/IP

Here are the steps you can take to solve this problem;

Start by opening the Run box. To do this, press the Windows key + R on your keyboard. Then type “cmd”. Press Enter. This will open the command prompt, with administrative privileges.

2. Now run the command prompt as administrator. Right click on it. Choose “Run as administrator”. Then enter the command; netsh int ip reset

3. After entering the command, simply press Enter.

4. Finally, restart your computer to check if the problem has been resolved.

These steps should help you solve the problem you are facing.

Solution 3: Uninstall/update network adapter drivers

Sometimes this problem may be associated with a network driver or an older version of the network driver. You have two options; Remove the network driver. Update it. Follow these steps;

Open the “Run” dialog box. Enter “Device Manager” when prompted.

2. Once the Device Manager window appears, click “Network Adapters” in the list.

3. Right click on the adapter. Decide whether you want to delete it or update it.

4. Do not forget to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Then check if the problem persists.

Solution 4: Manual IP address configuration

When you connect your device to the Internet, it will automatically receive an IP address through a process called Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP). However, if DHCP cannot assign an IP address, you may need to configure it. This solution has effectively solved the “Wi Fi does not have an IP configuration” warning signal problem for users. Despite its apparent complexity, it is actually a solution. To solve this problem, you can use the IP Parameter tool. Enter your IP address manually.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to change your IP address;

To access Network Connections you have two options; right click on the Start menu and select the option or press the Windows key and the letter I simultaneously.

Locate the button that says “Change adapter selections” and click on it to continue.

3. In the network list you will find both Ethernet options available.

4. If you right click on a network, you will see its options for inspection.

5. If you wish to use Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4), simply select it. Then click on “Properties” if necessary.

6. Fill in the required information in the boxes designated in “Use IP address” and “Use the following DNS server addresses”.

  • IP Address:
  • Subnet Mask:
  • Standard gateway:
  • Foretrukket DNS Server:
  • Alternate DNS server:

Solution 5: Uninstall your antivirus software

I heard from one person who said he managed to solve the problem by disabling or uninstalling his antivirus software. If you are able to reconnect to the Internet after removing or disabling your antivirus program, it may be worth considering an antivirus solution that does not cause this problem.

Top 5 Wireless Router Brands of 2023

Getting Internet service today is much easier than it was years ago. However, there are still factors to consider and one crucial element is the Internet router.

The Internet router plays a role in managing the configuration of your networks. Regardless of the bandwidth you have, if your router is outdated or poorly designed, your Internet experience will suffer. With a fast connection, an inferior router can greatly affect performance, especially during online gaming or other activities where even small differences matter.

Before purchasing a router, it is important to make sure that the company you choose has a reputation for high quality products that deliver what they promise. To help you make a decision, here’s a list of the top 5 Internet router manufacturers in 2020.


NETGEAR undoubtedly holds the position in the industry. If you are not familiar with them, NETGEAR is a U.S.-based company that specializes in producing networking equipment for individuals, businesses and service providers. In case you are not already familiar with them, NETGEAR is known for manufacturing networking equipment for users.

They offer a variety of hardware options for various environments, such as homes, offices and even gaming enthusiasts. NETGEAR emphasizes the performance and reliability of its products, while ensuring that they are easy to use.

When it comes to Internet routers, NETGEAR guarantees performance and router configuration management can be done effortlessly through its Nighthawk mobile app.


ASUS, a well-known manufacturer of top-tier networking equipment, has been in business since 1986. It is headquartered in Taiwan. In addition to its headquarters, the company has offices in other locations.

ASUS offers a range of routers for both small homes and large offices. With a selection to choose from, each router comes with its own features and capabilities. Gaming routers are particularly known for their performance.

The ASUS Connection app, available for iOS and Android devices at no cost, makes it simple. Streamline the task of managing your Internet connection. With the convenience of a smartphone, you can effortlessly configure complex network settings and efficiently manage them once configured.


TP-Link, a company based in China but manufacturing networking hardware worldwide, has earned a reputation for producing high-quality routers. TP-Link is recognized for its expertise in router manufacturing, as its products offer not only performance but also reliability to meet all your online needs.

When it comes to dual bandwidth support and low ping requirements, TP-Link has you covered.

TP-Link Tether is an app available for Android and iOS users, just like its competitors’ offerings. This easy-to-use application allows you to easily access and customize your router settings.

4.Link D

D-Link, a well-known brand from Taiwan, is engaged in the production of network equipment, in particular Internet routers. D-Links products have gained recognition for their functionality, incredibly fast speeds and unwavering durability.

Despite the variety of router models, each D-Link router consistently delivers on its promises of speed, reliability and performance.

To simplify the process of setting up and managing your D-Link Internet routers, you can conveniently download the D-Link WiFi app to your device.

5. Linksys (Cisco)

Linksys, a well-known brand of network devices based in California, is widely recognized for its high quality products. These devices are known to have all the features that customers want.

In addition, Linksys routers come equipped with a variety of features. By using the dedicated Linksys application, you can connect effortlessly. Manage your home WiFi network from anywhere while ensuring a fast Internet connection.

Both companies have a strong reputation in the industry. Whether you choose Linksys or any of the other brands mentioned above, rest assured that their products offer functionality to meet your needs. Each brand has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

5 GHz vs. 2.4 GHz: which is the better frequency band?

Frequency bands are commonly used in data transmission between devices. Data transmission from one device to another is based on waves operating at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies, respectively.

Since the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands are widely used, all wireless devices use them. Wi Fi routers that transmit data in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands are known as dual-band Wi Fi routers, which are models compared to those that are limited to using only the 2.4 GHz band.

Today, wireless routers mainly use the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands. You may have encountered these bands when configuring or adjusting the operating frequency of your router.

While all of these frequency bands can be used for signal transmission, choosing between them can be challenging due to their differences. Ultimately, personal preference plays a role in determining the optimal frequency range.

Having the option for customers to choose the frequency according to their circumstances is excellent because it is clear that each frequency band has a purpose.

2.4 GHz frequency band

The 2.4 GHz frequency range is widely used in consumer electronics, such as Bluetooth devices, wireless cameras, microwave ovens and other common household items. Although data transfer speeds may be slightly slower in the 2.4 GHz band, its main advantage is that it allows information to be transmitted over distances despite operating at 2.4 gigahertz.

If you prefer a larger coverage area. No matter the data transfer rates, opt for a lower frequency. On the other hand, if your priority is faster data transfer. You don’t need a wide range, choose a higher frequency.

Consequently, the 2.4 GHz frequency range is ideal for long distance connections; however, this comes with the disadvantage of transmission speeds. In addition, because wireless and electrical devices use the same 2.4 GHz band, your WiFi network may occasionally experience signal interference that can slow down or even completely disrupt its operation.

The 2.4 GHz band consists of 11 channels, three of which overlap each other. As a result, three overlapping channels are available, within the reduced spectrum of the 2.4 GHz frequency range.

5 GHz frequency band

Devices do not typically use the 5 GHz frequency band. It is not the default option. As mentioned above, transferring data at this frequency increases the transfer rate. Consequently, the 5 GHz band allows data transfers compared to the 2.4 GHz band, but has a shorter range and has difficulties in penetrating solid objects.

As a result, while you may enjoy speeds at one end of the spectrum, your coverage will be reduced at the other end. The advantage of using the 5 GHz frequency is that there will be no interference from devices, as it offers 25 non-overlapping channels. Therefore, Internet speeds in the 5 GHz range will be significantly faster than those in the 2.4 GHz band. However, due to its nature, this range has limitations in terms of coverage and may encounter obstacles when penetrating solid objects.

Which band is better?

To answer your question, it is important to consider the details of your situation. If your WiFi router is nearby, it is recommended to use the 5 GHz frequency band, as it offers interference, faster data transfer speed and no range limitations.

On the other hand, if your WiFi network is remote, opting for the 5 GHz frequency band would not be efficient, as it can lead to weak signals and frequent disconnections. In some cases it is recommended to use the 2.4 GHz frequency band for long distance communications. This band has a range of 5 GHz and its lower frequency allows signals to pass through solid objects more easily.