How to perform a DNS leak test?

The Internet is based on a system called Domain Name System (DNS), although many people are unaware of its existence. Simply put, DNS is responsible for translating domain names into their IP addresses. When you type a domain name in your browser, the DNS server handles the request. Provides the IP address for that domain. This allows your browser to connect to the web sites associated with the domain name entered. DNS was created to resolve discrepancies between domain names and IP addresses.

What is a DNS leak?

It is widely known that when your browser processes a request, it relies on DNS servers to retrieve information. When you connect to a network (VPN), all your Internet activity, including DNS queries, is redirected through an encrypted private network. However, in case of a breach, DNS requests in the DNS system may bypass the tunnel. Go directly to your ISP’s default DNS servers. This can potentially expose your data to access.

DNS leaks pose a security threat by allowing your ISP to monitor your behavior when you would prefer otherwise.

There are factors that can cause DNS leaks. These include;

  • Reset all settings to their default values.
  • Use Windows 8 or later and have Smart Multi Homed Name Resolution enabled.
  • Manually configure the Virtual Private Network (VPN).
  • Connect through a VPN that does not have its DNS servers and lacks the ability to prevent DNS leaks.

It is important to take these factors into account, as they can potentially lead to DNS leaks.

If your virtual private network (VPN) experiences a DNS leak, it loses its effectiveness in safeguarding your privacy, as your Internet service provider (ISP) may monitor your traffic as soon as you start using your default DNS. However, without performing a DNS leak test, you will not be able to determine whether your VPN connection or provider is susceptible to DNS leakage.

How to perform a DNS leak test?

To check if your network is vulnerable to DNS leaks, you can perform a DNS leak test. Simply follow these steps;

Go to the web site called DNS Leak Test.

2. On the website you will find information about your Internet connection and your personal IP address (unless you are using a private network which will hide this information).

3. To perform the test, choose Standard Test or Extended Test from the drop-down menu. If you are using a VPN, the test will provide information on which DNS servers are responding to your queries.

4. If the test shows DNS servers that are not controlled by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), then your VPN connection does not have a DNS leak. However, if it shows DNS servers owned by your ISP, then there is a DNS leak in your VPN connection.

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