D Link is an established brand known for its routers, which have been on the market for a period. The company has a team of professionals who manufacture high-performance routers. With D Link you can expect top-tier WiFi routers that allow you to connect devices simultaneously enabling activities such as video streaming, gaming, online shopping and more.
To configure the Wi Fi D Link router you purchased, you will need to set it up. Fortunately, the setup process is simple. It takes a few minutes. In addition, for the router and D Link modem that come in the router box, you will need a few items. Here are some examples;
- computer cable
- Adapter card, to configure Wi Fi
- Instructions for a configuration
To configure your D Link router, follow these steps;
- Start by connecting your modem to the router. Use an Ethernet cable to connect the modem to the WAN port of your D Link router. You can easily identify this port as it is often painted in one color compared to the others.
- Once you have successfully connected the router and modem, you can proceed to connect your computer to the network either via a cable.
- After joining your D Link router’s network, open a web browser. Enter or in the address bar.
- You will probably encounter a login screen, where you will need to use the credentials provided. The user name is “admin”. The password is “.”
- You will now be presented with the D Link Router Quick Setup Wizard. Simply click Next to continue. (Note that this setup wizard will only appear during router configuration. It scans your area network to determine your Internet service type. If you previously configured the router, it needs to be reset).
- If the scan is successful, your Internet configuration will be completed instantly without any action on your part. However, if it fails, you will need to select your Internet connection type and provide the data as instructed by your Internet service provider. Either PPPoE or DHCP.
- Do not forget to fill in the SSID and password of your WiFi network.
- Also, be sure to set up a password to access the router’s configuration page.
- Choose your time zone accordingly.
- Once you have done this, a summary of your options will be displayed where you can save your settings. Once the router has rebooted and the changes have been applied, the configuration process will be completed.
Here are some guidelines to maximize the performance of your router once it is configured;
- It is advisable to place the router in a place inside your house so that the Wi Fi signals can reach all corners efficiently.
- In addition, positioning the router can improve signal strength and coverage.
- To avoid having weak or unreliable Wi-Fi signals in certain areas, try not to place the router near electrical equipment or large objects.
- If you want your Wi Fi to work at high speed, it is recommended to limit the number of simultaneously connected devices.