How to use public WiFi safely?

Accessing the Internet is usually not a problem. It is easy and safe to connect to your home network and start surfing the Internet from inside your home. However, things can get complicated when you need to connect to a WiFi network while on the move. That’s when something unusual happens.

Nowadays you can find WiFi almost everywhere, such as airports, restaurants, hotels and public transportation systems. While public WiFi may seem simple, free and convenient, many people are unaware of its risks. Even if you’re in a coffee shop or restaurant where the connection requires a password, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee security because

  • You have no idea who installed the network.
  • You have no idea who else is connected to the network.
  • You are concerned about the security of network data.

Using your device as an access point rather than relying on a public WiFi network is a preferable option, for the reasons mentioned above. It is therefore advisable to take precautions to safeguard the privacy of your data before connecting to a network. To ensure WiFi usage, consider following the guidelines provided below;

  1. Disable file sharing

Before proceeding with any action, make sure that file sharing is disabled on all your devices. To prevent your Windows PC, Mac or cell phone from sharing data over a network, simply disable the sharing options.

Hackers are individuals who actively seek out computers and other devices capable of sharing files over networks. This puts your data at risk.

While connected to a network, it is recommended to share files on your Mac or PC and disable AirDrop on your iPhone.

Visit HTTPS website only.

If you must use a WiFi network, be sure to only access websites that have connections indicated by the presence of an HTTPS certificate in their web address. When a website address begins with “HTTPS”, it means that the data exchanged between your browser and the site is encrypted and protected against access. By following this precaution, you can reduce the risk of your information falling into the hands of others.

3. Use a VPN

One of the secure methods of accessing the Internet through public Wi-Fi hotspots is to use a virtual private network (VPN). The purpose of a VPN is to encrypt and forward data while ensuring access protection.

Through this encrypted connection, not even your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can decrypt the information being transmitted. In addition, a VPN offers the advantage of masking your IP address by assigning a different one to your device. This means that while you may be physically located in Australia, your IP address may appear as if you are located in another country. As a result, your online activities cannot be traced back to you.

4. Turn on the firewall

Before connecting your Windows or Mac laptop to a network, it is important to make sure that the firewall settings allow connections from public networks. To maintain network security, a protective measure known as a firewall is used to monitor the flow of data in both directions (outbound).

The firewall is designed to discard any data packets that appear to contain content. You can set the security level provided by the firewall to one of three options; medium or high.

When using a Wi-Fi connection, it is advisable to have the firewall enabled although it may not be the most secure option.

5. Use a quality Antivirus program

To ensure the security of your computer, smartphone or any other device from malware infections, it is essential to have an antivirus program installed and actively running on it.

When connecting to a network, it is essential to be very careful and ensure that your antivirus software is regularly updated and provides real-time protection against viruses and malware.

Any harmful software or viruses that manage to infiltrate your computer will be quickly removed by the antivirus program before they can cause any damage.

Other important tips for staying safe on public WiFi networks:

  • Avoid making transactions or relying on banking services.
  • Be sure to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on all your devices and online accounts to protect against access.
  • Be careful when downloading any content while connected to a Wi-Fi network.

How to recover your lost WiFi password?

Sometimes it can be quite a challenge to track down your WiFi password if you forget it and you’re not exactly tech savvy. It can be quite embarrassing when you have guests or friends over. You have no idea of the password of your WiFi network.

However, don’t worry! Recovering a forgotten WiFi password is not as difficult as it may seem, especially if you have access to the router or a device that is already connected to the WiFi network. Forgot your WiFi password? Don’t worry! We have instructions for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS users alike. Just keep in mind that in order to successfully recover your WiFi password your device must have been previously connected to the network.


If you forget your WiFi password, on your Windows PC, here’s what you can do to regain access;

Open the configuration menu.

Navigate to the Network and Internet section where you can find information on the status and functions of your network.

3. Search for your Wi Fi network. Connect to it. There may be an overlay or icon indicating its availability.

4. Click Wireless Properties in the menu that appears.

5. Choose “Security”.

6. To reveal your Wi Fi network password, simply check the box next to Network Security Key that says Show characters.

These steps should help you recover your forgotten WiFi password on a Windows PC.

Mac OS

Go to the Applications folder. Select Utilities, from there to search for Utilities.

2. Open the Keychain Access application.

3. In the window, click System and then select Passwords in the lower left pane.

4. Look for the SSID or the name of your router in the list. Double click on it.

5. A new tab/window will open where you can check a box if you want to see the WiFi password.

6. Since this is a system configuration, you will need to provide the administrator password to access it.


Currently it is not possible to access the WiFi network password on your Android device without rooting it. While we do not recommend rooting Android devices if necessary, there are programs, such as WiFi Key Recovery, that can help you recover your WiFi password.


Both Android and iOS work one way. It can be challenging to recover a WiFi password on an iPhone or iPad unless you choose to jailbreak your device and use a Cydia modification, such as Network List. However, we strongly discourage the act of jailbreaking your iOS device.


You can easily reset the password if you have access to the WiFi router. This can be achieved in several ways:

Using the default password

If you have not made any changes to your router settings, it should be fairly easy to locate your WiFi password. The manufacturer usually includes the WiFi password and SSID on a label attached to the router. Take a look at the label, which can usually be found on the router itself or on the side. This tag contains the default WiFi details that you can use to connect to the network.

Using the router’s management interface

This method may initially seem a bit challenging for beginners. Actually, it’s quite simple. To perform this method, you will need to have an Internet connection and make sure your computer is connected to the router via Ethernet or WiFi. Once you have established the connection, follow these steps to recover a forgotten WiFi password;

1. Prepare your browser for use.

2. In the address bar enter the default gateway address of your router, which is usually or

3. You will need to use the login credentials (password). It can. Look for them online. Refer to the label on the bottom of your router for the required login details.

4. Log in with your user ID and password.

5. Once you are logged in you will be able to access the Wireless Area.

6. When you enter the WiFi password, it will be displayed in its field.

Reset the router

If you have any problems following the above steps or if you have difficulty accessing your router’s administration panel, a reboot may be necessary. Resetting your router will restore all settings, including custom passwords, to their default values. You can access the WiFi network using the default login information. Here’s how to perform a factory reset on your router;

1. Locate the Reset or Restore Factory Settings button on the bottom or back of your router.

2. Take a paper clip or toothpick.

3. Press and hold the button for no, then fifteen seconds and then release it.

4. Your router will now do it. Restart. Wait one minute for everything to restart correctly. You can then connect to the WiFi network using the default password.

How to protect your computer against viruses and malware?

Most of us believe that our computers are safe and that the limited security features they have will protect them from malware and viruses. However, our computer systems can be vulnerable to malware and viruses because they only have security measures in place.

Malware and viruses have become so sophisticated that even basic security solutions are ineffective against them. It is crucial to implement security measures to prevent these programs from infiltrating our system in the first place.

In this section we will discuss methods to protect your computer against applications and viruses.

Always keep everything up to date

Make sure that your operating system, antivirus software and any other software you use is always up to date, as the latest versions of these programs usually integrate all security updates that were found in previous editions.

If you don’t update other applications, at least update your operating system because a three-year-old version will not be able to combat modern malware or viruses. As a result, make an effort to keep everything up to date, especially Windows and its components, or macOS and system utilities if you use a Mac.

Antivirus software

When setting up your computer, it is important to install an antivirus program to protect it against viruses and other harmful software. Antivirus software is designed to identify threats, determine their nature and eliminate them before they can cause any damage to your machine.

The selection of the antivirus program is crucial as it determines the level of protection against software that can infiltrate your computer. That is why it is so essential to make this decision. Opt for a virus protection application that remains vigilant at all times. If you want more peace of mind, consider investing in the premium service for greater security.

enable firewall

If you have anti-virus software installed on your computer, it is likely that there is also a firewall. However, be aware that the preloaded firewall that comes with your computer may offer more protection than that provided by antivirus software. It is strongly recommended to activate the firewall, as it plays an important role in protecting your computer against software such as viruses and other unwanted programs. The firewall actively. It monitors all outgoing data transmissions over a network, ensuring comprehensive protection for various types of data transfers. Doing so effectively prevents malicious websites from gaining access to your computer.

Do not open any suspicious links or files

If you click on a link or open a suspicious file while surfing the Internet, there is a risk that your computer will be infected with malware and viruses.

It is important to be careful when websites and files appear harmless, as they may contain software that can harm your device. It is advisable not to open or download font files unless you have verified their security beforehand.

Avoid visiting websites or downloading files from sources, as these actions could cause your computer to become infected without your knowledge.

Do not open e-mail attachments without checking them.

One of the most common ways in which viruses are spread from person to person is through e-mail. Imagine opening your inbox and finding an email that appears to be from a friend. It turns out to be spam. If you click on a link or download a malicious attachment, your computer becomes infected with malware. It is important to note that ordinary people are at risk of becoming infected with viruses and malware through this method, as it is incredibly common.

To avoid infecting your computer with malware, it is advisable not to open links or download attachments from e-mails sent by senders. Instead, take a moment to inspect the email for signs of software before proceeding with any action.

Avoid installing pirated or pirated software

When you download and install decryption software, you open up another way for software and viruses to enter your computer. Most people who buy into the idea that they can get something end up being cheated because they actually have to pay for the program. As a result, all they end up doing is spreading spyware and viruses to anyone who uses their computer.

Automatic scans

To improve the security of your computer against viruses, it is advisable to set up automatic scans. To prevent infections, it is recommended to schedule virus tests on a regular basis or, if possible, at least once a week.

How to perform an Internet speed test?

The Internet speed test is a tool to evaluate the performance and reliability of your Internet connection. It analyzes your download and upload speeds to provide information. One of the purposes of performing a speed test is to verify whether your Internet connection meets the expected download and upload speeds. In addition, it helps to determine the ping, which is information, for online games.

Another important use of an Internet speed test is to detect if your Internet connection is being intentionally limited. Limiting refers to reducing the speed of your connection when it consumes a certain amount of bandwidth. By comparing the results of a speed test with the level of service you are paying for, you can determine if your Internet connection is slowing down.

Performing an Internet speed test is a process. Once the test is completed, your Internet connection data will be presented in user format. To get started, visit the speed test website, log in and the test will start automatically. The evaluation begins once the website selects the server in terms of geographic location. The test can usually be completed in less than one minute. You can see the results immediately after you finish.

To obtain the results of an Internet speed test, it is advisable to make sure that no bandwidth-consuming services are running simultaneously on your network. Such services may include activities such as downloading or streaming videos or music.

Top 5 Internet Speed Test Websites

There are Internet speed test tools available online, but it is important to note that not all can be relied upon to provide accurate results. As a result, I have compiled a list of five resources for checking your connection speed. These websites can help you understand the speed and performance of your Internet connections.


When it comes to checking how fast your Internet connection is, one of the tools you can use is This website simplifies the testing process by selecting the server that suits your needs from the available options. The results do not show your IP address, Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Ping score. Also provide information about the upload and download speeds of your Internet connection. People trust speedtest. collects findings because they are known to be very accurate. The outcome of any competition depends largely on the speed of your Internet connection.

  • is a website powered by Netflix. If you want to check the speed of your Internet connection, for Netflix you can visit their website. With the growing popularity of streaming services such as Netflix, some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have begun to impose data restrictions on their customers’ upload and download activities. offers a speed test that provides information about your Netflix connection.

  • has the distinction of being the established speed testing website that offers benefits compared to its competitors. It allows you to perform download speed, upload speed and latency evaluations, while providing an Internet speed test. What sets apart is its ability to offer results along with a wealth of information that cannot be found anywhere else. With its speed tests, statistics and data about your Internet connection, stands as a leading platform in the field of speed testing.


If you are looking to control your Internet speed, is an option. They use the Ooklas speed test tool, known for its accurate results. In addition to download and upload speeds, the test also provides details such as Ping, Jitter, IP address and Internet Service Provider (ISP). With the results, you can be confident that they truly reflect the status of your Internet connection.

5. AT&T Speed Test

You can evaluate the speed, reliability and performance of your Internet connection using the AT&T Speed Test application. Many users express their dissatisfaction with the website because it occasionally provides results. You can rely on AT&T’s speed test results to provide you with information about the speed and performance of your Internet connection. However, it is important to keep in mind that the findings may not always be what they initially appear to be.

How to perform a DNS leak test?

The Internet is based on a system called Domain Name System (DNS), although many people are unaware of its existence. Simply put, DNS is responsible for translating domain names into their IP addresses. When you type a domain name in your browser, the DNS server handles the request. Provides the IP address for that domain. This allows your browser to connect to the web sites associated with the domain name entered. DNS was created to resolve discrepancies between domain names and IP addresses.

What is a DNS leak?

It is widely known that when your browser processes a request, it relies on DNS servers to retrieve information. When you connect to a network (VPN), all your Internet activity, including DNS queries, is redirected through an encrypted private network. However, in case of a breach, DNS requests in the DNS system may bypass the tunnel. Go directly to your ISP’s default DNS servers. This can potentially expose your data to access.

DNS leaks pose a security threat by allowing your ISP to monitor your behavior when you would prefer otherwise.

There are factors that can cause DNS leaks. These include;

  • Reset all settings to their default values.
  • Use Windows 8 or later and have Smart Multi Homed Name Resolution enabled.
  • Manually configure the Virtual Private Network (VPN).
  • Connect through a VPN that does not have its DNS servers and lacks the ability to prevent DNS leaks.

It is important to take these factors into account, as they can potentially lead to DNS leaks.

If your virtual private network (VPN) experiences a DNS leak, it loses its effectiveness in safeguarding your privacy, as your Internet service provider (ISP) may monitor your traffic as soon as you start using your default DNS. However, without performing a DNS leak test, you will not be able to determine whether your VPN connection or provider is susceptible to DNS leakage.

How to perform a DNS leak test?

To check if your network is vulnerable to DNS leaks, you can perform a DNS leak test. Simply follow these steps;

Go to the web site called DNS Leak Test.

2. On the website you will find information about your Internet connection and your personal IP address (unless you are using a private network which will hide this information).

3. To perform the test, choose Standard Test or Extended Test from the drop-down menu. If you are using a VPN, the test will provide information on which DNS servers are responding to your queries.

4. If the test shows DNS servers that are not controlled by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), then your VPN connection does not have a DNS leak. However, if it shows DNS servers owned by your ISP, then there is a DNS leak in your VPN connection.

How to increase Internet speed?

It is really frustrating when the Internet is slow because web pages and graphics take forever to load. Most people blame their Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Internet Service Plan (ISP) for their Internet speed. What about those who do not? It turns out that there may be reasons to experience network connectivity.

Before exploring ways to increase Internet speed, let’s first consider the possibility of speed limiting by the ISP. Sometimes, when everyone in your neighborhood is online at the time, your ISP may intentionally slow down your connection speed. To check if this is happening to you you can perform a speed test.

A tool called speed test can quickly analyze the upload and download speeds of your Internet connection along with metrics. Once the speed test is completed, you will be able to compare the results with the speeds promised by your ISP. If they are similar it means that there is no limitation; however, if there is a difference between what you get and what you pay, it is advisable to contact your Internet service provider.

To obtain the results of a speed test on your Internet connection, it is important to disable any ongoing Internet-connected activity, such as downloading or uploading files.

Once you have finished performing the speed test and have ruled out any throttling problems, you can proceed with the following steps to improve your Internet speed;

Search for WiFi Leechers

Be sure to get rid of any user who is accessing your Internet connection without your permission, opt for a complex password that includes a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. This will provide protection to your WiFi against any access.

To change the WiFi password, access your router’s administration panel by entering or in your browser.

In case you notice a device connected to your password-protected WiFi network, it is essential to change the password without informing anyone else.

Placement of the router

Slow Internet speeds may be due to a WiFi connection. To solve this problem, it is recommended to place your router in a location where the signal can travel the distance. Ideally, the WiFi router should be placed in the center of your home, on one floor compared to the rest of the house. Also, make sure that there are no cabinets or other objects that could disrupt or weaken WiFi connections.

Clean your computer

If your computer has an Internet connection, it may be due to a hardware problem. Your computer may be running background processes to run programs you have installed.

There is a possibility that a virus or other malicious software on your device is using both system and network resources. Consequently, it is recommended to perform a security check and remove any malware detected.

Deleting your browser’s cache, history and temporary files could potentially improve your connection speed.

Using cable connection

To ensure the performance of the computer it is recommended to use a connection instead of a wireless one. This is because a wired connection eliminates the delays caused by your router and the potential data loss associated with connections. If you are looking for transfer rates, the available option is a wired connection.

Buying a new WiFi router

For computer performance, it is recommended to use a wired rather than a wireless connection. This is because a wired connection eliminates delays caused by your router and reduces the risk of data loss during transfers. If you need high transfer rates, opting for a connection is the available option.

Upgrade your Internet plan

If you have a family with devices and people who depend on the Internet, it may be worth considering upgrading your Internet plan. Increasing the capacity of your Internet packets could help you get faster Internet speeds, especially since there are devices connected to the network that use the Internet constantly.

How to improve the security of your WiFi router?

Your WiFi router plays an important role in protecting your network from hackers, provided you take the necessary security measures. Efficiently manages the flow of data traffic in and out of your network. However, the main focus remains on improving the security of Wi Fi networks to prevent access. Here are some guidelines to help you maintain a WiFi network.

Security protocol and password

Wi-Fi Protected Access 3, the latest advancement in WiFi security, is typically deployed on WiFi routers. WPA3 is the most secure protocol currently available; however, older routers cannot use it because it is incompatible with them.

Each new device requires a password to connect to the network using the WPA2 security protocol, which is significantly more secure than the WPA and WEP protocols, respectively.

When setting the password for the Wi-Fi network, it is imperative that a strong password is used. It is possible for a password to be successful if it has the right combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters; however, the length of the password must be sufficient to prevent the software from being cracked.

Keep firmware up to date

Your WiFi router, like your computer and mobile device, uses a level operating system called router firmware. This firmware manages the configuration of your router according to the operating systems installed on computers and mobile devices. It deals with aspects such as security protocols connectivity rules for devices, WiFi configuration and other related functions.

Fortunately, most modern routers can automatically update their firmware without any problems for clients. However, if you own a router and are concerned about its security level, it is advisable to update the firmware.

Keeping your router’s firmware up to date is crucial because the latest firmware version includes bug fixes and security updates. Since vulnerabilities can be found in all versions of WiFi router firmware, it is strongly recommended to update router firmware as soon as possible.

Disable WPS

A year ago, Wi Fi Protected Setup (WPS), a breakthrough in WiFi security, appeared on the scene. However, after its launch, several security vulnerabilities were identified with the PIN method. These flaws could allow devices to gain access to your network by exploiting the simplicity of a PIN code.

If you do not intend to use this feature, it is advisable to disable it as anyone who has access to your router can easily connect to your network using the WPS button.

Guest network

One way to improve the security of your router is to use the Guest Network feature. This feature allows visitors to connect to your WiFi network while keeping them separated from your network. Have you ever wondered why all visitors using your computer can access shared documents but not private ones?

The reason behind this is that there have been cases where friends or family accidentally accessed files or downloaded something that could compromise shared data and spread viruses. To address this concern, the Guest Network function was developed. It helps mitigate these risks by ensuring that even if they are not hackers, family members may unintentionally stumble across a file that triggers problems.

By joining the guest network, any potentially malicious files seen by a guest will be contained within the guest network itself. This isolation ensures that neither the network nor the router can be affected.

Another advantage is that when someone connects to your guest network, they will not be able to modify your router settings. Guest networks generally have limitations that ensure that only users who are actually connected to the network have access to the Internet.

MAC filtering

The use of MAC filtering is one method you can employ to improve the security of your network. When you enable MAC filtering, you will be prompted to enter the MAC addresses of the devices you wish to authorize and grant access to the network or deny and restrict access to the network.

  • Only authorized (or “whitelisted”) devices will be able to connect to your network.
  • If a device’s network connectivity is disabled, it will not be able to connect to the Internet.

How to improve cell phone signal range?

Some people may consider moving or spending money to improve their access to cell phone service. However, you may be surprised to learn that you can improve call quality with phone signals and the overall experience without incurring any expense. All that is needed are adjustments, which are based on simple, low-tech methods to improve the range of your cell phone signals. To increase the signal strength of your cell phone, try these settings;

1. Check your cell phone for damage:

It is possible that your phone is broken, which is one of the reasons for a decrease in signal strength or weak signals. Sometimes, internal damage to the antenna, even if not externally visible, can affect the quality of signals received by a telephone. If the antenna bands are damaged, it may affect the signal reception. Be sure to check for damage to the corners or edges of your phone.

If your phone is still under warranty and you believe it is actually damaged, your company will. Solve the problem at no cost to you. However, if your phone is no longer covered by warranty, you will be responsible for repair costs.

2. Make sure the phone’s operating system is up to date:

Many users usually install the latest operating system update but there are those who prefer to delay it. Although it can be a hassle, for them they choose to stick with the version they have been using for a while. The reason behind this choice is that recent updates resolved all issues, improved call and data quality and optimized performance. If your phone’s operating system is not yet up to date, be sure to update it as much as possible.

3. Disable LTE when signals are weak:

It could be that your Internet connection is slow due to signal strength or if the LTE network is overloaded. If you have connectivity problems and see one or two bars on your screen, try switching to 3G and disconnecting from LTE.

In addition, when the 4G LTE network is overwhelmed by traffic, it is better to switch to 3G technology. This remains true even though 3G is currently the technology in use.

4. Disable other network services:

Sometimes, the presence of network services, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC and others, can create interference that affects your network. This interference can cause connectivity problems and signal problems. It is therefore advisable to deactivate these services when they are not in use.

5. Activate and deactivate the airplane mode:

You can also experiment with airplane mode by turning it on and off. If you had any connectivity issues with your phone, they should be resolved now that you have enabled and disabled airplane mode. Once this is done, your phone will automatically attempt to reconnect to the network.

6. Reset the network configuration:

If you have exhausted all options and nothing seems to work, it may be worth considering resetting the network settings to see if it helps resolve the situation.

Sometimes problems can occur with your cell phone signal due to changes in network configuration. In some cases, resetting the network settings may help to solve the problem.

Find the IP address of the router

ISPs typically assign routers with IP addresses such as, and These numbers may vary depending on the router model. To access the router’s administration interface and make the necessary settings, you must determine its IP address. By accessing the router’s configuration page, you can modify the name and password of your network, as well as choose the channel for your Internet connection.

Some people may not know the IP address of their router. Perhaps I will simply forget over time. To make changes, it is important to identify the IP address of your router, which can be done using methods that depend on your operating system.


In the Windows context, the default gateway address is often used to refer to the IP address of your router. To help you discover the IP address of your router, in Windows, here are some steps you can follow;

Method 1:

1. Open the command prompt by entering “cmd” in the Run/Find box.

2. Once the command prompt appears, type “ipconfig”. Press enter.

Windows will now display a variety of information about your connections. It is important to locate the “Default Gateway”. In the Default Gateway box, you will find the IP address of your router.

Method 2:

If you are using Windows and need to find out the IP address of your router, there is another way you can try.

To access the Control Panel, simply click on its icon or type “control panel” in the Run/Find box.

Search for “Network and Internet”. Click on the link that says “View network status and tasks”.

3. Choose your network from the options provided.

4. A window with a Details icon will open automatically.

5. The IP address of your router can be found next to IPv4 Default Gateway.

Mac OS:

Mac users can also easily find the IP address of the router. The IP address of your router is accessed with just a few mouse clicks. Here’s how to determine the IP address of your router if you have a Mac:

Method 1:

  1. Click on the Apple menu located in the navigation bar and then choose System Preferences.
  2. A dialog box for System Preferences will appear. Select the Network option.
  3. In the Network window, you must choose a network connection, either wired or wireless. Once you have made your selection, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on the Advanced button.
  4. When you reach the TCP/IP tab, you will find the IP address of your router under Router.

Method 2

If you are using a Mac and want to know the IP address of your router, you can follow these steps using Terminal;

1. Open the Terminal by navigating to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

2. Be sure to enter “netstat nr|grep default” accurately to execute the command correctly.

3. The IP address of your router is usually displayed next to it as the default setting.


Here are instructions for finding the IP address of your router when using an iOS smartphone;

Access the Wi Fi configuration, through the Configuration menu.

2. Make sure you have written down the name of your Wi Fi network (SSID).

3. You can find the IP address of your router in your router settings.


To find the IP address of your router, on your Android device follow these steps. Note that this method only applies to Android 5.0 or newer versions. In versions it was necessary to use software to obtain the IP address of the router.

Open the “Configuration” application. Navigate to “Networks and Internet”.

2. Search for the Wi Fi network you want to connect to and press and hold its name.

3. From the options that appear, select “Static” in the configuration.

4. The IP address of your router can be located in the Gateway section.


Go to the Linux menu. Look for the “Terminal” option under “System Tools”.

2. Type “ipconfig” in the window. Press enter.

You will see the IP address of your router listed below in addr.

How to create a secure password?

The protection of your social networking sites, email accounts and financial accounts depends largely on the quality and security of your passwords. The strength of your passwords determines how effectively you protect your presence.

Without a doubt, a secure password is essential to prevent access to your data. However, the real challenge lies in creating a password that remains immune to any attempt to crack it.

When asked to create a password, many people struggle because they are not sure what constitutes a password. Should we focus on numbers, letters or even include symbols and special characters? These questions will be addressed in detail in the following sections.

What is a secure password?

The strength of a password is determined by factors, one of the crucial ones being the length of the password. Longer passwords are generally considered more secure. In addition, the complexity of a password influences its strength, which can be improved by incorporating upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.

It is important to avoid including any information in your password. Users often choose passwords that have some meaning to them personally, which makes it easier for those who know them to guess their password.

What differentiates a strong password from a weak one?

Secure passwords have characteristics that differentiate them from passwords.

Use of common words:A weak password usually revolves around a phrase or combination and “Password” or “Password123” stands out as the most commonly used password worldwide. It is surprising how easy it is to guess this password. It applies to both individuals and automated systems.

Easy to guess:Weak passwords are easily identified and anyone who knows your password can easily guess it. Passwords composed of a person’s name and year of birth, such as “jonathan1999”, are incredibly easy to crack, although this is a typical error. Anyone can easily guess such passwords.

Short length:Weak passwords are usually short and easy to crack, not by individuals. Using software designed to crack passwords. Consider an example where your password is 8 characters long and includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. In this scenario, a password cracking tool would be easier to crack due to its brevity compared to a single password.

It is essential to avoid using passwords for websites or accounts. If a hacker gains access to your password for one account, they can potentially gain access to all of them. As a result, it is strongly recommended not to use the password on online resources. It is important to never share your password with anyone in emergency situations. Instead, it is recommended that you promptly change your password.

If you have difficulty keeping track of all your passwords, it might be worth considering using a password manager. These handy tools can store all your passwords, making it easy to keep your login credentials organized and accessible, all in one place. By using a password manager, you can collect all your passwords in one location and simply use a master password to access them.

  • There are some compelling reasons to use a password manager: For starters, a password manager is a useful tool for centralizing and organizing all your passwords.
  • The second advantage is that it allows you to generate and save complicated passwords that include letters, numbers and special characters.
  • The third benefit is the reliable encryption used to protect credentials.

However, there is a problem: to access your Password Manager account, you must remember a master password. It is a good idea to keep a secure record of the master password.